Monday 27 April 2009

Self Directed - Concept Development Summary Board

Self Directed - Research Summary Board

Concept Development

Here is a video summary of the process i went through to develop my concepts. Big thanks to Dave and Imray for helping me out.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Self Directed Project - COD Vest

This vest add a new level to FPS games as there are small air pockets built in and when you get shot in the game the air pockets pop. This simulates a lighter experience of being actually shot.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Self Directed - Ipod Touch

I recently purchased on of these and I have to say that it is one of the best purchases I have made. I love how interactive and unique the user interface is. Also for gaming it is not half bad. I like the unique controls and some of the applications that you get for it. It is like a smaller version of the interface that Jeff Han developed.

Self Directed - April Fools

This was an April Fools joke developed by Microsoft as a new take on Guitar Hero. Using an Alphorn instead of a guitar and you have to yodel instead of singing.

Friday 3 April 2009

Self Directed - Sci Fi

Some of the ideas displayed in Sci Fi films and novels can be a infulence to what is the next step for technology. This is a clip from a film called Minority Report staring Tom Cruse and it shows a very interecting take on a user interface

Self Directed - Interface Free

this is a link to a video from TED Talks of a research scientist Jeff Han's invention of a multi touch point interface.